I’ve been editing this post for about a week now. I guess I don’t know what to do with it or where I wanted to go with it, but I’ve invested so much effort into tweaking it that I think I’m just going to go with it. I also have forgotten how much of a PITA it is to put pictures into these posts. There must be a better flow that I’m missing.
I have a very specific memory of a conversation I had with a very fit friend some time last spring (2012). This conversation was regarding diets and weight and fitness, and I recall saying something like “I wouldn’t give up eating to look like you, but I would give up some time to look like you.” I recall thinking to myself that yes, I do have the luxury of time to devote to this project: I don’t have a job, and my life is pretty much what I want it to be. About the same time Whisper foundered and was confined to stall rest. I’d been running up in the hills a few days a week, and I started to do yoga somewhat regularly. When Whisper reached the recuperation stage, I started hand-walking him every day. I’d go on what for me was a good run, then I’d walk with Whisper for a few miles afterward.
In August a friend invited me out to his ultimate frisbee game. I think the ultimate was a big turning point in my running and fitness. The quick sprints and the resting made raising my heart rate fun! I’m a pretty mediocre ultimate player, but I get out and do it, and sometimes I even practice on the weekends. It’s a “pickup” ultimate game, which means you just show up and play, no formal teams or anything. A few weeks ago I had to borrow another players dark jersey thing so we could even out the teams. I think I’m rocking the 80’s look here:
All of this exercise lead to my March achievement of a weight I had not weighed since about 1995. I’ve been in the range of my all-time lowest weight a few times since then, but back in March Monty dumped me and I fell hard on my hip. It’s taken four months for my left thigh to stop hurting when I run around. I’m sure that my new leg strength is in part thanks to the 400 or so miles I have logged on my fancy new TREK Domane 5.2. Rob and I got eachother fancy road bikes for our five year anniversary.
Last week I was able to sprint without pain. I’ve gained a couple of pounds while recuperating. I guess it’s time to get serious again.
Chris Collins
August 19, 2013 at 7:07 pmMmmmm, all time low weight. 2011. Good times. I’m ten or fifteen down from all-time high right now. So, yeah, time to get serious again.
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